Investigation – you’re the doctor collecting all your pay!

Two plumbing issues (read: shut-off valves that don’t, in fact, shut anything off) and a few days later and we’ve got the cabinets out! There’s been a bit of a delay to the start of the contractor’s demo, but we got such a good head start that I think we’re in good shape. Plus, we really needed the time to catch up on finding places for things to be. This house is looking like an episode of Hoarders!

With our kitchenette and dining room squished into the living room, we’re adjusting to the limited range of cooking options (looks like pre-made pesto will be a staple this summer), and the general slovenliness that is improving 2/3 of a home while you still live in it. Our electrical contractor is doing an amazing job ridding the house of suspect wiring issues (knob and tube, mainly), and just generally making me feel safer (plus, he cleans up after himself! Bonus!). We even have the two upper bedrooms and the main bath hooked up to new, up to code wiring! This is helpful especially to Jeff, as his computer being shut off for hours at a time, for days at a time was not fun for him.

On to the pictures!

Very cool 1930’s? 40’s? linoleum tile, buried underneath two other layers of flooring. There’s a layer of red oak underneath that we’re hoping (fingers crossed!) to be able to salvage, at least partially.

The former owners’ grandchildren remember red, metal cabinetry in the kitchen. I bet it looked sharp in its heyday.

Evidence of a swinging door from the dining room to the kitchen! Man, I wished someone had saved the door!

Piles of rubble, only to grow. Still have to remove nails to help wood become salvageable.

I kind of like how land-fill-y it looks. Seems so destroyed, in a good way.

Contractors were doing some investigating. Hmm, looks expensive, whatever it is.

Free at last! The last cabinet was removed, and suddenly there was all this SPACE! I’m hopeful that this feeling of space will be preserved in our new design.

Sigh. I can’t say how happy I am to see the entire space like this.

There’s the last cabinet, under the back window… Bye, old girl! Good luck in your new home!

Next up: the bathroom!


  1. kati

    Not able to keept it, as it may (most likely) contain asbestos, as well as the fact that it's the third layer down in a 4 layer floor. We ARE, however, hoping to save as much of the original oak flooring that's at the bottom of the heap. How much is salvageable remains to be seen.

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