Cupcake Monthly: January

Welcome to the first ever (and hopefully monthly) installment of Cupcake Monthly! Recently I came across a site filled with the most beautiful looking, delicious sounding cupcakes ever… so I decided to try my hand at a few. At first I wanted to bake a new cupcake each day in January (especially since all my Teams will be in and out all month long), but decided that might not be the wisest move (I still need to fit into my clothes, after all). So, once a month (or so) I’ll be making some of these delicious little cakes, sampling them, photographing them, and sharing the delight that is The Cupcake.

If you have any favorite recipes, sites, books, or bakers that you love, and you’d like to share, please do! After all, I didn’t go through an entire summer oven-free to then not bake to my little heart’s content. Perhaps I’ll have to add a cookie monthly, or a pie monthly (or a running until I burn off all that eating-take-out-for-four-months weight series)… these are, after all, some of the things that make our home so happy.

For the first cupcake I decided to make Key Lime Cream Cheese frosting on a Graham Cracker Cupcake (a la Ming Makes Cupcakes, #32) in honor of all the fancy people who get to escape winter and go somewhere warm and tropical. I thought, if I can’t get away, at least my taste buds can. The recipe was easy. The only ingredients I didn’t have on hand were graham crackers and key limes. Now I might have to keep them on hand at all times. I’m telling you: make this recipe. Crowd pleasers.

Enjoy some photos, drool, and try your hand at your own personal favorite (or sample something new).

What better way

to spend a day

than to have a cupcake

and say hooray!

One comment...


    Can you please have Jeff special deliver some when he is in town again? it sounds so freaking yummy!

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