I’m waking up, I feel it in my bones*…

*Lyrics from Radioactive by Imagine Dragons from their album Night Visions. I’ll admit to not listening to the whole album yet. I’ll admit to finding this album by the ‘top album’ feature on iTunes. I’ll admit that this video is bizarre. This song is rather pop-like, and not my usual fare, but the lyrics, and the mood suited my own today, so I used it. Maybe the album will be a good one for spring runs, or spring cleaning, or spring lounging in the sun that is finally penetrating our atmosphere and shining down on us again. Let’s all have a listen on spotify, and report back.

Need I say more?

Spring. She took a long time to get here this year. Maybe she didn’t but it sort of felt like that these past few weeks. Probably because I’ve been living back in The Big House, and away from my normal routine with my husband. He’s never worked this much before (this is his busy season, so to speak, but this is ridiculous), and we’ve never had two homes to keep us apart. Jeff’s office is in the city (well, Brooklyn, but you get the idea) so he MUST be down there during the week. And I’ve got my own things are brewing back at home, working on a new project with Dave from Innovative for some amazing clients on an amazing house. I’ve needed to be nearby for time-sensitive decisions about plans, materials, budgets, etc., while Jeff has needed to be buried in his work for his own time-sensitive deadlines. So we’ve been experiencing the season apart from one another, and our own work has kept us from having any real quality time.

So, this spring, which is finally springing forth, is really a long time coming. In the next few weeks both of our schedules will be aligning again, and we’ll start to be able to do things like, oh, make eye contact for more than ten seconds, and actually stop looking at our emails, phones, or steering wheels (ok, the road, too), and just be. With each other. In the warm sunshine. With the birds chirping. And the leaves unfolding. Seriously, spring, I really need you.

Hopefully in the coming weeks I’ll have something public I can share about my new project, and some other happenings in the world around me. But for now, just enjoy the spring. Enjoy your people, whoever they are. Enjoy the little things, the bursts of life that seem the seep through the cracks when you least expect it. Bask in the glory of surviving this long winter, and shed those layers with gusto.




  1. stacyerinwilliamson@gmail.com'erin@designcrisis

    Wow, a lot going on… So glad that you and the husband will be able to spend more time together soon. Marriage is what keeps me tethered, for sure.

    Very excited to hear about this new project! Details!!!

    1. So Happy Home Post author

      Thanks, Erin. I’m hoping I can share some before pictures (and some actual information) next week – anticipated start date: April 22!

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