I’m crazy but you like it, and you like that it ain’t easy…*

We. Have. Floors! (Again!) Well, mostly. J.J. arrived on Friday, as promised (thanks, J.J.!) and worked his knees to the bone to get the floor in the family bath done. As done as he could get them, considering that we need a tiny bit of help from Team Carpentry to get the threshold in (need to trim back the wood flooring a bit), and to patch up the wall adjacent the pony wall (which J.J. needs to tile before the built-in gets installed). If you’re confused, you’re not alone. It’s one of those projects where everyone needs everyone else to get the job done correctly. And the fact that our Teams live far from us (a fact that was not a problem during the regular half-house renovation since they were here for days or weeks or months at a time) has become a bit problematic, especially since it’s winter. But we’re all managing as best we can. J.J. sacrificed by putting in two looonnng days to get the floors ready to be walked on, and for that we are eternally grateful. We have a few steps to take yet before this project will really feel like it’s in full swing. But for now, I’m just so happy that something tangible has been done! (No offense to our dear Brad, but I can’t exactly get as excited about electrical that’s operable, ready, and safe, but hidden in the walls and ceilings. Sometimes you just have to see it, you know?)

Now that the floors are in a state of walkability (though they still have to be grouted, sealed and caulked) I have to get painting. At least a first coat. The challenge is to choose a color that will work with the floors, countertops, window treatments, shower curtains, and with the rest of the accents. I’m hoping to include some pink, not because of all the pink buzz that’s going on in the design world, but in honor of Mrs. Heidner (the original matriarch of the family who lived here from 1940 to 1985) whose favorite color was pink. In fact, the ceiling in the bathroom was once painted pink (I found that out while fixing up the ceiling and tried to convince Jeff that we should re-paint the ceiling pink – he disagreed), and the closet in the (now) purple room was pink when we moved in. The bedroom doors were pink, and at least one of the bedrooms, and we’re told that the living room was pink once, too. Now, I don’t want to go that crazy with pink, but I think it would be a nice accent. Plus, come summertime we will have fresh peonies in pink and white, hot pink roses (if those rose plants get healthy), and gorgeous modeled pink wedding hydrangeas blooming all around the house. There is nothing better than fresh flowers in every room in the house, don’t you agree?

So, paint. I think we’re going to use some of our leftover Benjamin Moore bath & spa paint in Cliffside Grey for the base coat. It’s the same color that’s in the hallway and the powder room on the first floor, but I don’t want the whole house to feel boring. So, I aim to jazz it up a bit… exactly how is still a mystery. I’m thinking some combination of deeper grey, with silver, light grey with accents of pink, sand, aqua and black. It looks prettier in my head than it sounds.

But, until that puzzle get solved, pictures! Enjoy!

*Lyrics from today’s post from Shakira’s Loca (in honor of J.J.’s appreciation of cheesy dancey female pop).


  1. wbenroy@gmail.com'erin@designcrisis

    I don’t know what you’re talking about — that color palette sounds fabulous! I’m really not a pink-a-phile, but I don’t mind some hot magenta accents here and there.

    And your tile choices are STUNNING! I mean, jealous, swoony, stunning. Hot.

    1. So Happy Home Post author

      Thanks, Erin! Now, if I could only get my hot pink rose bushes to thrive… they’re barely hanging on by a thread, but when they bloom they produce the most amazing colored roses. Sigh.

    1. So Happy Home Post author

      The tile will continue underneath it. The cuts were more intricate, and we weren’t sure if we’d ordered enough tile (turns out we did) for the inevitable errors/breaks that will happen when J.J. gets to that area. So we decided to wait and do that bit next time. There will be a built-in unit that will hide that last row of tile. The tile will be a level base for Team Carpentry to work up from.

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