*Lyrics from The Shins‘ Fall of ’82 from their album Port of Morrow. I’ve been hearing these guys in my Pandora mixes of late, and this song reminded me of a long lost friend who I recently tried to reconnect with. So, I guess I’m feeling a little introspective and sentimental, which is good, especially when you try to do art. Helps to let it all out.

Here she is, small and elegant. The frame around the mirror was custom made from scraps of trim to solve the issue of the sides of the medicine cabinet showing. The newly framed art helps to make the mirror look more at home here.
A few days ago I hinted on facebook that with the addition of a few DIY art pieces that one room in the house was mostly, very nearly, certainly almost, done. Well, I hope it’s not disappointing that the room I was referring to was the master bathroom. I mean, it’s the second smallest room in the house, and it has all of it’s infrastructure installed already. All I had to do was hang up some fresh towels, clean the sink, and hang a few pieces of art. Well, I’m calling them art… they might be considered craft projects to someone artier. But to me, to us, they’re arty enough.
Jeff and I had a hankering to do something creative, and I had a burning desire to have some art hanging in our bathroom. I had envisioned a different idea – one that involved our computer, and printer – to make something custom for our space, but our printer (sadly) wasn’t up to the task. (Namely, it needed ink, but it also couldn’t print out the size image we wanted to hang.) So, plan B came about, and we got cracking with some markers, some imagination, and some sheets of watercolor paper that almost got thrown out during our basement purge.
We found some simple-ish white frames from Michael’s (on sale, of course, and since IKEA isn’t at all nearby) and decided on a palette of mostly black and white. I diverged from the plan for the third, smaller piece, but only a little, and only because I’ve been on a crazy pink kick, and needed a smidgeon of color to perk up the neutral tones that the room is sporting (grey, silver, white, caramel/maple, and black). Plus, we have it on good authority that Mrs. Heidner, the original matriarch for the family that owned this house first, and for the longest, also loved pink (originally, way back when, several of the bedrooms were painted pink, as was the living room). So, pink, in small doses, seems right at home here.
So, without further adieu, some pictures of our efforts. The master bathroom is now extra welcoming after a long day, and extra inviting in the morning, when leaving the bed is the last thing in the world you want to do. Enjoy! xoxo
That shower!!! Amazing, amazing job. Super jealous.