*Lyrics from From Finner by Of Monsters And Men off their album My Head is an Animal. I just heard this right before our trip on spotify, and thought, ‘how have I not heard them before?’ I’m loving the album, and think a purchase is in order. Spotify, you are so good to me.

Before the beach completely filled up, and as people were setting up their gear, I snapped a few pictures that felt like another time.
Ok, so, sorry for the radio silence, but we went on vacation. I had this whole idea that we’d have soooo much time on our hands that I could sneak in a blog post or two. I even drafted a few ideas before we left. Then we left and I forgot all about everything. I forgot about social media, blogging, TV and movies, the house (and stress from having it on the market), and pretty much anything that had to do with our regular life. It was most excellent indeed.
Our vacation wasn’t planned for very long – we actually didn’t think we’d get one this year. But Jeff’s office decided to take a forced spot of time off (after a particularly harrowing last-minute project), and we piggy-backed our vacation onto my sister and her daughter’s vacation. So we just looked up homes for rent on vrbo.com, poked around for the closest spot on Cape Cod to where my sister was staying, and tried to find something that would/could accommodate them if their plans (camping) went astray due to inclement weather. Turns out my niece didn’t need inclement weather to want to stay with us, so it was great that we had space to spread out, and hang out as a family.
If you haven’t rented from Vacation Rentals By Owner before, you should totally check it out. We’ve stayed in various cottages over the past few years, and every time it’s been an absolute joy. I don’t particularly enjoy hotels (I am a cook and a homebody at heart) so to have a proper kitchen, privacy from throngs of tourists, and a quiet spot that’s all our own, well, it’s heavenly.
What? You want proof? Pictures, from the phone since we didn’t even bust out the real camera once (that’s how anti-gadgets we were feeling all week). Enjoy! xoxo