Author Archives: kati

We’ve come a long, long way together, through the hard times and the good…*

I have to celebrate you, J.J., I have to praise you like I should.

After weeks and weeks of incrementally improving the family bath, and after hours and hours of extra effort and care the tile is officially DONE! I know, I can’t believe it either! Scheduling work on the weekends can be over (for now, until we need the plumber back), and we can finally, finally break down the work-room protections in the guest room. Seriously, I can’t even tell you how ready I was/am for this to be over. Of course I still have tons of painting, patching and protecting to do (as well as figuring out window treatments and shower curtains), but J.J. is done, and for that, I am soooo grateful.

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If I was from Paris, I would say ooh-la-la-la-la-la-la-lah…*

It’s almost officially spring. And it’s snowing. Like a real, proper, accumulating in inches, with wet pant legs and muddy dog feet snow. This after Friday was easily 65 degrees, sunny (and windy), where I was outside with only a t-shirt on (and pants, too!). Tis what it is to be a New Englander. I know the it won’t last, but knowing that the yard is pregnant with bulbs makes me want to turn my hair dryer on to melt the snow a little faster, to urge spring along by any means necessary.

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Everything is gonna be alright, everything is gonna be alright…*

Today, as I’m still thinking about Japan, I’m also thinking about the individual humans who are living through this tragedy, disaster, experience. Are they frightened? I’m sure of it. Are they tired? Certainly. How are they coping with the emotion, the fear, the lack of warmth, food and comfort? I personally don’t know how I’d survive. I count my blessings, my good fortunes, my own comforts and am grateful to my bones.

And, while sadness, fear and anxiety are no doubt the primary feelings that most of the survivors are experiencing, I think that it is important to remember that, eventually, everything is going to be alright. It will never be the same. But it can be alright.

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Cupcake Monthly: March, take two

When you have a good friend, and they have a birthday, and you’re craving sweet things anyway… well, you extend your only-one-batch-of-cupcakes-per-month rule and say, okay, maybe two. I love baking, and frankly I needed the shift in focus (nothing like watching news, or worrying and crying about devastating natural and man-made disasters a la post 9/11). I needed a little cheer to lift me up, and make me remember why we all love life so much. It’s because of cupcakes, obviously.

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And there upon the rainbow is the answer, to a neverending story…

Throughout the past week, Team Carpentry (aka: Team Jonas this time around) has been here working diligently, tirelessly (well, ok, he did get tired), and mindfully to get the built-in cabinet done for the Family Bath Project (aka: the neverending project, ahha ah ahha ah ahha ahhh). read on…

Cupcake Monthly: March

No, you didn’t miss February. I did. I’ve been working hard on, er, correcting my eating habits, and creating an exercise routine, and I just couldn’t mess with anything tempting in February. But, March is my mom’s birthday month, and I simply couldn’t let her go without a tempting treat on her birthday (what sort of daughter would that make me?).

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You may ask yourself, what is that beautiful house?…*

And you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?

While enjoying some retro tunes (rocking the David Bowie & Talking Heads station on Pandora) with Jonas working in the background (making excellent headway on the family bath built-in unit), I started poking around in my photo archives. I was looking for inspirational spring images, you know, to get a burst of color, an inkling of growth, anything that could lift up the winter doldrums that have settled pretty heavily this year. Instead of flowers, or other springtime imagery, I found old pictures of the house, from right after we purchased it in the end of 2006. This house is rapidly becoming the place where I’ve lived the longest, and will probably be the place I think of as home for many years to come (whether or not we still live here).

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Hoped you’d see my face, and that you’d be reminded that for me it isn’t over…*

It’s been too long since my last post, but so much has happened, and all in the span of just a few days. I completed my joint compound homework (as promised), preparing the walls and gaps around the ceiling lights as best I could. Team Tile (J.J. and mini-Caleb) arrived on Friday, as scheduled, and worked to get the room ready for Team Carpentry’s (Dave and Jonas) arrival on Monday (today). Not only did they finish the work that absolutely needed to get done before the built-ins could go in, they also made some good progress on one of the shower walls. Bonus!

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The quicker we go, the faster we fall behind…*

With a sickly (feverish) wee one at home awaiting his arrival, Dave (& Jonas) arrived on Sunday to do the hour or so of work that needed to get done before J.J. could (can) finish the floor in the bathroom. A bit of mud, tape, sawdust and vacuuming, and suddenly the room felt like it was ready to move on. (I’ve been ready to move on for weeks, now. But I digress.) The seam between the durock and sheetrock was bound together – though multiple coats of compound still need to be applied – making the room instantly feel more finished. Nothing like plugging up holes to make a room settle a bit. And, after patching a few more spots where attic air could penetrate our cozy little room, and cleaning up the threshold so that a new non-beveled piece of marble could be installed, Dave and Jonas made a date to come back and finish up the carpentry portion of the project.

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I’m crazy but you like it, and you like that it ain’t easy…*

We. Have. Floors! (Again!) Well, mostly. J.J. arrived on Friday, as promised (thanks, J.J.!) and worked his knees to the bone to get the floor in the family bath done. As done as he could get them, considering that we need a tiny bit of help from Team Carpentry to get the threshold in (need to trim back the wood flooring a bit), and to patch up the wall adjacent the pony wall (which J.J. needs to tile before the built-in gets installed). If you’re confused, you’re not alone. It’s one of those projects where everyone needs everyone else to get the job done correctly. And the fact that our Teams live far from us (a fact that was not a problem during the regular half-house renovation since they were here for days or weeks or months at a time) has become a bit problematic, especially since it’s winter. But we’re all managing as best we can. J.J. sacrificed by putting in two looonnng days to get the floors ready to be walked on, and for that we are eternally grateful. We have a few steps to take yet before this project will really feel like it’s in full swing. But for now, I’m just so happy that something tangible has been done! (No offense to our dear Brad, but I can’t exactly get as excited about electrical that’s operable, ready, and safe, but hidden in the walls and ceilings. Sometimes you just have to see it, you know?)

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